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Wonder in the Work


Wonder in the Work

That podium feels so good.

Right next to that PR.  

We all love a win or at least to beat our former best selves but when that feeling fades and the glory’s gone.. what’s left but the work?

Do you still love it? 

Do you love the lonely runs?

The cold and rainy ones where no one cares if you stole a Strava segment and you’re just out there alone with your thoughts.

Learn to love it.  

To live in it when there’s no one coming to tell you you’re great. 

When it’s you against you, there’s just nothing to lose and that’s where the magic takes place. 

The little things, they make us better.

But doing them day in and day out takes patience and grace.  

You can earn it but you can’t keep it.

It will catch you, just like life.  Just like a race. 

There’s wonder in the work if you’re willing to find it but it ain’t pretty or for the faint of heart.

It takes courage to cross the finish line, 

But even more to survey the scene, pick up the pieces and then make your way all the way back to the start. 
