We are constantly looking to push.  As athletes, most of us don't need motivation.  In fact, we're usually signing up for the next event, on the ride home from the last.  It's a beautiful thing to be that passionate about something and it's what keeps us going...but sometimes your body needs a little break.  

I remember a time in my life where I'd drag myself to run or workout up to 3 times a day, without any rhyme or reason.  It was something I did and it slowly became an obsession.  I was sneaking in runs and hitting up the gym during lunch, only to go home and jump back on the treadmill if I could find the time.  I'd turn down invitations to hang out with friends and spend my nights slogging out miles all by myself.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for tough training when you're working towards a goal...but this...this was something different.  It's easy for us to convince ourselves that more is always better and if you can get a little MORE than that, then that's the best.  Push, push, push.  It's going to pay off, but what's likely to happen is one of two things: burnout or a broken body and many times, it's the a little of both.  

It took me years to turn around my way of thinking and eventually it dawned on me that recovery was still training.  In fact, it often takes more discipline than the training itself.  I started listening to my body and intuition and I could really feel a difference in the way I felt.  My heart rates started dropping as my times just kept getting faster.  I was able to train at a different level, just by dialing it back.  Beat by beat, I'd watch my pulse get strong and steady and I was able to maintain paces I hadn't held in years.  It was the physical breakthrough I needed to finally convince myself of what I'd done for so long.  

I write this to remind us all that balance is the key to success.  If you battle burnout, your brain AND  your body will bear the brunt , but you have to pay attention before it goes too far.  Take a minute to breathe and make a mental checklist of how you feel from your nose down to your toes.  Be kind to the body you built and give it time to repair, recover and be renewed.  We only get one of these beautiful little machines and you just can't take it for granted.  Listen to it and I promise it will take care of you too.  
