Stop waiting for everything to be perfect.  Life isn’t perfect.  Not real life, anyway.  I have this pet peeve of hearing people say, “well I’ll do x,y,z when I can stop working so many hours,” or “when I lose a few pounds,” or “I’ll start training for that event once I stop travelling so much.”  Here’s the deal: life doesn’t give a damn what your current circumstances are.  It’s just got that funny way of rolling right along and if you choose to stop and wait for perfection to pick you up – sorry, you’re getting left in the dust.  That’s not me saying that – that’s just the cold, hard truth. 

I hear a lot of excuses and I’m pretty good at cutting to the core of every single one.  It’s totally fine to set goals and hit a few speed bumps.   That’s real.  If you didn’t, I’m not sure I’d believe it…BUT…the big test is how you handle it and if you adapt and change to find a solution or if you let it derail your whole damn plan, then you’re empty handed and unhappy.  Why do humans do this?  Animals don’t.  They know what they need to do to survive and they do it.  Or they don’t but they didn’t rationalize why it would be easier to do this, this, or this instead.  We’ve become masters at talking ourselves out of hard work and discomfort, and I’m just as guilty as they next.  I will hear that voice in the back of my brain saying, “I’m beat today..maybe I’ll just skip and make it up tomorrow,” and you know what, every now and then that happens—but – 99% of the time it doesn’t.  Why?  Because tomorrow won’t be any better than today.  You’re just giving yourself another opportunity to come up with an even better excuse, and you probably will.  You see, so much of running is not about the amount of sweat we lose during a workout, but about the amount of willpower it takes just to start.   Get up, get your shoes on and get out the door.  If you can get your brain on board, your body won’t ignore it.  Now doesn’t that sound like the PERFECT place to start? 
