Happy 2018. It’s been a minute, I know. I’ll be honest with you here, I got a little bogged down in life, and writing just wasn’t on “the list.” That was silly and I’m sorry. But I’m here now, so here goes.
You’re tired. It’s 8pm. Your run is waiting and you’re having that conversation with yourself that keeps popping up more than you’d care to admit. “It’s too late to do this run. Maybe I can make it up tomorrow.. it’s probably better to do that than to do it now because it’s so late…”
Man.. we are masters at manipulating our own minds, right? We can talk ourselves into and out of so many things and most of the time, we know what we’re going to do before that internal talk starts taking place. It’s not abnormal but you better have a game plan before you lose the will to work and that inner voice starts calling the shots. It starts giving you a pass on the things you’ve never passed on and letting you off the hook for the hard days because it’s easier than toughing it out. You better reign it in today. Right now. Those habits die hard and I can promise you, you’ll never look back and say, “man I’m so glad I phoned it in.” Get up. When it’s cold. Just get up. When you’re tired, just get up. Take 5 seconds and say to yourself, “just do the damn thing.” Remove the “out.” It no longer exists. You owe it to yourself to follow through. You’re worth more than you realize and more than so many other things that get your time and attention.
It’s a brand new year and we’ve got so much to do! I’m here to help and we’ll all struggle side by side but - promise me you’ll hold yourself to a new standard too. We’re going to do this thing. We’re all in it together and I can’t wait to take this journey with you! Cheers to a new trip around the sun.