There’s a loud cough.  Sweat’s dripping down your face and it stings, pouring into your eyes.  You sit down and ask yourself if you can get up in the next minute and repeat it, or will that be the moment when you call it quits for the day?

That 60 seconds is a long one.  While it physically feels short, it’s enough time to talk yourself in and out of just about anything.  Doubt creeps in, as you tell yourself it's been a hard week and you deserve a little break.  You didn’t sleep great or there's a lot going on at work.  You know the speech.  We’re masters at manipulating ourselves and it’s time to put those old habits to bed.  Making change is tough.  Getting better takes work.  Real work.  Hard work, and not the kind that always feels good and sends you home with a big smile on your face.  Nope.  Not even close.  Instead, the best way to become a better version, is to fail and figure it out.  Yep.  I said it.  Fail.  And then find the gaps and work to fill them in.  So what if you miss the last split time by a couple of seconds. Your hill repeats aren’t feeling fast enough or you had a meltdown on your long run this week.  The worst thing you can do is fear it and fall backwards.  Keep fighting for it and the work you’ve already achieved.  Make a promise to yourself that you'll go TOWARDS the tough instead of running the other way.  Let it fuel you.  Light a fire inside that only failure can find. 

That minute’s almost up and it’s time to make your move.  How bad do you want it?  What’s it going to be?
