Racing is a vulnerable thing. Lining up to compete will test the will of most athletes. But that’s the point of training. We work to be comfortable in discomfort. To manage nerves. To go to that place.. you know the one. And just .. sit there. Just sit right in the middle of that mental mess and try to make magic happen.
One of my favorite runners of all time, Des Linden, put it simply: “expect to be exposed.” Ain’t that the truth. But man, do I love that.
That’s a part of training we don’t talk about enough. The best workouts are physically hard AND test your mind at the same time. You gotta know when to push and when to hold back. And you’ve also gotta know when it’s just not your day.
But.. the work’s gotta be worth it. You’ve gotta love the process of pushing and pulling or the highs and lows will never be enough. You’ll keep running but the well goes dry. And there’s not enough Instagram likes to get you back on the line.
If you don’t love the journey, don’t worry, it’s gonna show.
Expect to be exposed.