Running is a lot like life.  You can have a training run or a race that feels amazing.  You feel invincible and you're on top of the world.  And then.....just when you're starting to enjoy those endorphins from your running high, the bottom falls out and you're down in a ditch, covered in dirt.  (Not that would ever happen to anyone around here....)  It's a weird one, that relationship we (I mean me) have with running.  Some days I love it so much and I can't imagine my life without it.  Others, I want to set my shoes on fire and drive over them with the car.  That, ladies and gentleman, is your coach talking right there.  I say all this to show that even the most experienced runners and those who even coach, struggle with the good AND the bad days too.  It took me a long time to understand that THIS is part of being a runner.  It's really part of being passionate.  A bittersweet relationship that gives but it also takes and you have to be willing to go with the flow.  It's taken me far too long to learn those lessons and I'm still learning new ones every day.  But for now, I hope you join me in our attempts do deal with the OTHER side of the running: the stuff that goes on inside the mind.  To me, that's what really gets you across the finish line.  
